I am a Latin, sensitive woman who sometimes has to deal with very strong PMS. All this might be the most genuine combination to make you cry during random circumstances. I cried at yoga class. Ironically, deep inside my heart, I saw this day coming.
Finally I understand why I feel weird about bank holidays. Since I’ve become an entrepreneur, somehow I’ve stopped feeling pleased about some deserved laziness implied in such days as though they are not for me (and for no one else who happens to be in charge of their own business).
A lot has happened in the past months but nothing as exciting as the recent reopening of terraces in Amsterdam. It finally seems that our once dynamic city is waking up again. With that comes a sort of a lost sensation of hope, freedom and joy. The Dutch weather has been cooperating to the outside experience itself, even though it feels amazing to breathe fresh air again.
You may call me old-fashioned, resistant and even think that I’m just being naïve or uninformed of what’s going on out there. But I prefer to describe myself as insusceptible: which is one of the most precious characteristics I appreciate about myself.
How long can we cope with boredom? Two or three days? Maybe a week or a bit more? I think that any of these options may be more than enough to acknowledge that being absorbed by tedium is one of the most frustrating feelings one can have. Now imagine one whole year.
I've recently written about a deception which has made me down so much. A sweet friendship has been broken. Like porcelain, you can re-attach those pieces although it will never look the same again. No matter how much time goes by, such flaws will always evoke a fragile bond that has fallen apart.
It doesn’t matter how old and wise we become: being disappointed by a friend will always hurt as much as those first life deceptions when we still nurture the virtue of innocence. I think I'm still shocked by that bitter taste that comes after the tears.
I'm learning to cherish and love Amsterdam again. It's a difficult statement to admit, but I have lost that ebullience which made me want to be nowhere else but here. For a long time I have struggled to praise this place through the same sparkling eyes that once made me fall in love with it.