Natural habitat
May 3rd, 2021
Time has flown since the last time I penned in my diary. Shall I wrap up a few events for us to be on the same page? Let's see... Well, springtime in the Netherlands has started with some unexpected snowflakes which means as I write, I'm still wearing my heavy, winter coat; the vaccination program in the European Union has been a downer and people fear how traveling during summertime will look like; drinks with friends on weekends have turned into early dinners (sometimes I wonder how one can be hungry at 6pm?). I've also managed to hit the road to the Zeeland province and I couldn't be more impressed by the extraordinary Delta Works (the Dutch everlasting ability to cope with water!).
Meanwhile, I've become consumed by the subjects of Spirituality, Death and Cannabis (by the way, my Instagram's Advertising account has been banned by Facebook just because I wanted to share an informative, harmless dose of service about weed and coffeeshops). Moreover, living in the Netherlands has made me realize that Easter festivities make much more sense in Catholic countries (have you noticed how bare supermarkets' chocolate stations look like?).
As you see, a lot has happened in the past months but nothing as exciting as the recent reopening of terraces in Amsterdam. It finally seems that our once dynamic city is waking up again. With that comes a sort of a lost sensation of hope, freedom and joy. I cannot say the Dutch weather has been cooperating to the outside experience itself, even though it feels amazing to breathe fresh air again. At the same time, different stimuli – other than my own private walls - give a boost to my lazy creativity.
But I face a challenging task on my first day outside the place of confinement where I've been working from since October (a.k.a. home). I see myself trying to decide which bar-cum-restaurant would fit my daily writing routine. I mean, after seven months I have got to choose a very special one, don't you think? It should have a cozy deck where the few rays of sunlight reach my pale skin; possess a vibrant environment (after all, I want to see the 'out and about' of passersby) and likewise a good selection of coffee or tea; finally, if not too much to ask, a computer friendly place.
I may not have it all but after browsing my cell phone for a while, I remember the perfect terrace that might fulfill a considerable part of my expectations. There, newcomers and habitues mingle in such an unpretentious way and their behaviors are so authentic; it's a place for which I nurture a tender memory as I've been there a few times while I was still wearing shorts - you know, back to that free moment before the second lockdown stole our hopes. Most importantly, it's a place where I can feel comfortable and inspired in equal measure.
If you ever search for an option like this plus where good food is also served, look no further and go to the Café Restaurant Piet de Gruyter. Proost!