I won’t be joining Club House
March 24, 2021
You may call me old-fashioned, resistant and even think that I’m just being naïve or uninformed of what’s going on out there. But I prefer to describe myself as insusceptible: which is one of the most precious characteristics I appreciate about myself.
I’ve never been a crowd follower. Only, perhaps, at a younger age when my teenager's immature soul, full of empty experiences and big opinions, made me "go with the flow". But approaching 39-years old has by now taught me that I don’t need to do what everyone else is doing.
I can give many reasons for not becoming part of the so-called “You-have-to-be-there!” Club House. Firstly, my life is busy enough as it is and I also enjoy having some deserved free time. Secondly, what I need the least, right now, is another social media group to increase my daily routine's digital state. I also want more real, face to face interactions rather than non-tangible appearances and glossy opinions.
Therefore, it seems pointless when I hear arguments claiming that not being part of this or that platform would mean I'd be missing something uniquely relevant. Not only can I think of so many other ways to nurture my knowledge and intellect but I also know that what we all have been missing is called real connection. Despite one or two convincing arguments from a few friends about Club House's pertinence (some even allege there might be a few discussion rooms suitable for my profile), I still can't buy them.
Believe me, apart from hard-working and studying, there's a lot on my plate: reading literature books and intelligent magazines; cooking; dating my husband; calling my brother and best friends; practicing yoga; writing letters to myself; inviting a colleague for a spontaneous cup of coffee; listening and dancing salsa cubana; enjoying the company of my cats; drinking delicious natural wine while having some real, good fun (not necessarily in this order). As soon as the lockdown and curfew are lifted, this list will go on and on...
I'm afraid I can't find any room for this Club in my house.