The human touch
September 19, 2020
I took the Friday off. My unfinished articles can brew a little bit longer. Those emails I must send can wait and the magazine’s editor should understand my slower pace as well. It’s almost weekend and for Christ’s Sake the sun is shining and inviting me to go outside!
But one more time I face my silent guilt which always attempts to uphold me to fully enjoy what Italians do so well: dolce far niente. Well, in that case it’s not “not doing anything”: I had a very busy day entertaining my dear friend on her birthday.
We started with a fabulous brunch, followed by a visit to a beloved hotel (I love going inside hotels to absorb the vibe of hospitality). Then we strolled around the empty city centre for hours and I showed her the beauty of Amsterdam’s old architecture. We stopped for a typical Brazilian delicacy called “pão de queijo” which led us afterwards to indulge in the famous Dutch treat, the stroopwafel. Gosh, I feel so full!
A few hours later, legs tired and every single moment captured by our Iphone’s lens, to watch the sunset by the canal seemed the perfect ending to a lovely day.
It’s so good to be in the company of others. I’m more than convinced that human connection is the most essential part of our wellbeing.