I've always thought about Stockholm as a city where harmony, cooperation and order are imperative, where everything seems to be in its right place. Respectful and polite citizens, impeccable and quiet streets, stunning buildings and mesmerizing landscapes. Not to mention being a nation which presents an everlasting trust between the State and its population.
It's quite a long time since the day when my future aspirations would be shaped to become my life's biggest dream. Looking back 10 years ago, I can still picture myself on that airplane; my wanderlust was in search of an exciting new journey to lead to the unknown. That was March 2011 when I visited Amsterdam for the first time. It was love at first sight. Madly.
There's very little bitterness in Thailand. I think that only a few sentences describe so well the mood that hovers and sets the tone of this country. As Bangkok is the gateway to Thailand, this is what I instantly felt and saw when I arrived there: genuine smiles, kindness, generosity, lightness, all together in harmony with the almost absence of bitterness.
Vienna is a city that sets the standard for elegance, prosperity and wealth. Given its aristocratic heritage, a hint of rigor can also be felt once you are breathing the Viennese atmosphere. For almost four centuries (1558 - 1918), Vienna was an imperial city, being the capital of the opulent Austro-Hungarian Empire.
A few hours after my arrival in Salzburg I knew this city would be completely mind-blowing. Right before saying goodbye I felt a mixture of joy and sadness. I would define this city as a laid-back version of Vienna. Its opulence and glory doesn't hit you in the face, but it does, however, have a sophisticated and low-profile atmosphere hand in hand with a swanky vibe.
The hospitality chain all over Asia is likely to be the most benchmarked in the world. The level of discreet sophistication and attention to details are premises of which they proudly master. Quality is always taken to the top and comes with a surprise touch: from wonderful and unexpected amenities to delicate although impactful decor or incomparable food flavours.
There's some certainties no one can deny about Napoli: they make the most authentic pizza in the world; they proudly showcase one of the richest street markets of Italy; they are blessed by being surrounded by a hypnotic turquoise sea coast and preserve their centuries old archeological sites and ancient ruins to make us dream about the past.
São Paulo is not a place for the faint hearted, it makes you grow a thick skin. And writing about it, where I lived half of my life, brings up deep and buried feelings that once made me so much want to be there and to be part of something special. As a result of living there, I also made friends who became family. Is blood really thicker than water? I wonder.
Tel Aviv is one of the most vibrant, cosmopolitan and beautiful cities I have ever visited. In Tel Aviv you can see one of the most unforgettable sunsets, the beach is one of the city’s main attractions, and during the winter, the temperature drops a little but the days remain mainly sunny.