What to eat in Assmanshausen and Rüdesheim am Rhein

Any restaurant in the region has a selection of schnitzel and a variety of pork dishes - German food is largely based on traditional red meat dishes. Portions are usually very large and can be easily shared by two people.

If your like meat, you can certainly have a feast anywhere you go. The sausages are very well made and served in different cuts and preparations. If you have a restriction on red meat, you can find delicious dishes with fresh trout, one of the most consumed fish in the region. In addition to animal protein – be it for vegetarians or for those who simply want a red meat variation -, one of the recipes that delighted me most is the famous Flammkuchen (also known as “tarte flambé”): a typical dough from the Alsace region

made from bread, resembling a very thin pizza. It can be served with different fillings. And from June to September, approximately, it is the Chanterelle mushroom season. They are cut and sprinkled with other spices on top of the dough. Delicious. The cuisine in Assmanshausen follow a similar pattern. It has fair prices, bringing to the table tasteful but somewhat “heavy” dishes to the palate of those who are used to living in tropical climates or have their food based on pasta or salads.


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